If you want to use this template, you must abide by the following rules:
1) You may edit this template in any way you want, but you must leave the small copyright notice at the bottom intact. If you are found to have removed it, further action will be taken against you. 2) If you wish to legally removed the copyright notice, simpily send $5 via paypal, to CEZAR_JME@YAHOO.COM with the subject "Template Copyright Removal" and include your site in the comments area. 3) This template must not be sold. You are free to send it to anyone you want, but the copyright notice must stay intact, and they must be made aware that they can not remove it. 4) The stylesheet that comes with the download, can also be edited if you wish. 5) You may removed the google ads, and replace them with your own ads, or something else. |
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